Summer Check 2024 – maintaining your system’s performance

The operations of a pneumatic unloading system rely on a precise, airtight closed-loop interaction between multiple components like valves, instrumentation, PLC, compressors, and possibly vacuum pumps.

Summer Check

It’s crucial that all of these elements function seamlessly, without delay, incident, resistance, or leakage, to achieve an optimal balance between energy consumption and convey capacity.

When a pneumatic conveying system is first delivered and commissioned, all components are new and perform as designed, ensuring maximum performance. However, over time and with continued use, components in direct contact with the conveyed bulk material experience normal wear and tear. This wear can negatively impact performance, making regular inspections essential to maintain the system’s optimal condition.

Your operating crew can easily conduct these inspections. We have developed a common checklist to help your team ensure a smooth start after the summer holidays. Note that some items may not apply to your specific system due to variations in component designs and layouts for pneumatic conveying.

⭐ Step 01 – Basic visual inspection without running the system,

⭐ Step 02 – Operational inspection without conveying material,

⭐ Step 03 – Basic visual inspection of running the system with material.

By following these steps, you can return your system to the reliable running condition it had when first delivered. If performance is lower and energy consumption higher than when the system was new, various external factors might be influencing this, such as convey pipeline routing, clogged fabric or air filters, PLC pressure settings, convey material specifications, ambient temperature and moisture conditions, operator skills, etc.

If you encounter these limitations and need assistance, guidance, inspection, tuning, tweaking, or training, please reach out to us for support. Lion Bulk Handling offers multiple service packages for all bulk handling applications. Contact our service department for maintenance and operation advice for your application and book your free inspections (

🌞 Have a great Summer!

Contact our service department for help with your summer or regular system inspections and evaluations.

Lion Bulk Handling Solutions

In conclusion, investing in efficient bulk handling systems is paramount for businesses looking to streamline their operations and maximize productivity. Whether you’re in the manufacturing, cement, offshore or maritime industry, optimizing your material handling processes can lead to significant cost savings and improved efficiency.

If you’re interested in learning more about how bulk handling systems can benefit your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team of experts is here to provide you with tailored solutions and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today for more information and take the first step towards enhancing your operations.

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